Our Course

Personal Protection in The Home


Detailed NRA/CRPA Personal Protection In The Home Description

The NRA/CRPA Basic Pistol Personal Protection In the Home is the next step up from the Basic Pistol Shooting Course. Entry into this course requires a demonstrable level of pistol shooting and handling. One way to meet this requirement is to earn a Level 4 Course Competition certificate from the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course.

This eight-hour course teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential for the safe and effective use of a handgun to protect you and your loved ones while in your home.  Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills and strategies for home safety, how to respond to a violent confrontation, how to choose a handgun for self-defense and the psychological and physiological effects of high stress during an attack and how to manage them.

Topics covered in the classroom include basic defensive shooting concepts and skills, shooting positions, aiming and firing techniques, utilizing cover and concealment, safe gun handling before, during and after a shooting and opportunities to maintain and advance your gun skills after the class is over.  The class also covers how to make your home safer and how to respond in case of a breaking, when/if you should shoot and the aftermath of a defensive shooting.

Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home Handbook, other materials and a course completion certificate.  The techniques and shooting methods taught in the class will be practiced at the classroom site using airsoft pistols and afterwards at a shooting range.  Students should bring 300 rounds of ammunition.  A shooting range test is required for a NRA certificate.  

The legal portion of the course presents a summary of California law concerning the use of a handgun for personal protection.  DisclaimerPart Three is taught by a CRPA, not NRA instructor or attorney.  The instructor is not a licensed attorney.  The legal information presented in this class should be verified by the student with a California licensed attorney before taking any action that may have legal consequences.  The presentation used in Part Three was prepared by CRPA’s licensed attorneys for the purpose of presentation in this class by a CRPA certified instructor.

Within the first 24 hours after registering, PTI will gladly issue a full refund. After 24 hours, the materials for the class have been automatically ordered. I will gladly reschedule your class to a more convenient date, but no refunds will be issued.